Upon seeing her billboard along Guadalupe, Makati City, the question that crossed my mind was, "Is she that thin now?" The Megastar Sharon Cuneta has been gaining weight for years already but according to Marie France Body Clinic the images of the actress are "unretouched". The billboard is allegedly violating a guideline set by the Ad Standards Council (ASC) for false advertising. Marie France Body Clinic said that they didn't receive any complain from ASC and that the billboard will not be removed. "we don’t think she (Sharon) will also put herself in that situation just to sell a lie," said the clinic's public relations officer.
source: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/302302/sharon-billboard-charged-with-false-advertising
picture: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs051.snc6/168175_139730839421019_106553536072083_248795_6207799_n.jpg